Mansi Mishra

Marketing Specialist

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Mansi Mishra
Marketing Specialist

I am a content creator and digital media creator with over 3 years of experience. My work has helped me grow engaged audiences, increased leads for business, generate revenue, and achieve my goals. I am a baker at heart and I use that creativity in my work.

Mansi Mishra
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Get to Know Me Q&A

What’s the one book or movie that has profoundly impacted your professional outlook and why?

Taare zameen par, its a Bollywood movie.
Two major points that helped me to improve professional outlook and improved my creativity are:

Importance of Mentorship: The role of the art teacher, played by Aamir Khan, demonstrates the impact of supportive mentorship. Professionally, mentorship can significantly contribute to the growth and development of individuals, helping them navigate challenges and realize their potential.

Social Impact of Art: "Taare Zameen Par" demonstrates the potential of art to provoke social reflection and change perceptions. Creatively, this highlights the role of art in addressing social issues and advocating for meaningful causes through its narrative and visual representation.

What’s your favorite way to unwind after a challenging day?

Have a nice meal with calming music.

How do you stay motivated and inspired in your work?

I love creativity and I use that in my work this helps me to stay motivated.

What are some notable clients or brands you are proud of working with in your career?

CEO of "Growth Addicted" would be the best client for me until now.

"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." - Scott Adams

Marketing Specialist

What’s one piece of advice you’ve received that has shaped your career?

Keep your goals set, know what you are doing and what you want to achieve.

What does teamwork mean to you, and can you share a memorable experience working with your team?

Teamwork, to me, means collaboration, synergy, and mutual support towards achieving a common goal. One memorable experience I had with my marketing team was during the launch of a new product campaign. We had a diverse team with expertise in digital marketing, content creation, graphic design, and analytics. Each team member brought unique perspectives and skills to the table. Throughout the project, we held regular brainstorming sessions where ideas flowed freely, and everyone felt comfortable sharing their thoughts. We divided tasks based on individual strengths and interests. The campaign exceeded our expectations in terms of reach and engagement, and we received positive feedback from customers. This experience reinforced the importance of teamwork in marketing—how aligning diverse talents and working towards a common goal can lead to remarkable outcomes that benefit the entire organization.

What’s an unexpected skill or talent you possess?

I can bake and design a cake.
I love hosting any event.

If you could have dinner with anyone, living or deceased, who would it be and why?

My Grandfather, I never met him but heard a lot that he used to give best life advises.

Get to Know Me Q&A

What’s the one book or movie that has profoundly impacted your professional outlook and why?

Taare zameen par, its a Bollywood movie.
Two major points that helped me to improve professional outlook and improved my creativity are:

Importance of Mentorship: The role of the art teacher, played by Aamir Khan, demonstrates the impact of supportive mentorship. Professionally, mentorship can significantly contribute to the growth and development of individuals, helping them navigate challenges and realize their potential.

Social Impact of Art: "Taare Zameen Par" demonstrates the potential of art to provoke social reflection and change perceptions. Creatively, this highlights the role of art in addressing social issues and advocating for meaningful causes through its narrative and visual representation.

What are some notable clients or brands you are proud of working with in your career?

CEO of "Growth Addicted" would be the best client for me until now.

What’s an unexpected skill or talent you possess?

I can bake and design a cake.
I love hosting any event.

What’s your favorite way to unwind after a challenging day?

Have a nice meal with calming music.

"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." - Scott Adams

Marketing Specialist

What’s one piece of advice you’ve received that has shaped your career?

Keep your goals set, know what you are doing and what you want to achieve.

If you could have dinner with anyone, living or deceased, who would it be and why?

My Grandfather, I never met him but heard a lot that he used to give best life advises.

How do you stay motivated and inspired in your work?

I love creativity and I use that in my work this helps me to stay motivated.

What does teamwork mean to you, and can you share a memorable experience working with your team?

Teamwork, to me, means collaboration, synergy, and mutual support towards achieving a common goal. One memorable experience I had with my marketing team was during the launch of a new product campaign. We had a diverse team with expertise in digital marketing, content creation, graphic design, and analytics. Each team member brought unique perspectives and skills to the table. Throughout the project, we held regular brainstorming sessions where ideas flowed freely, and everyone felt comfortable sharing their thoughts. We divided tasks based on individual strengths and interests. The campaign exceeded our expectations in terms of reach and engagement, and we received positive feedback from customers. This experience reinforced the importance of teamwork in marketing—how aligning diverse talents and working towards a common goal can lead to remarkable outcomes that benefit the entire organization.


Validated References from past employers

Lindsay Shirk

Director, Communications & Integrations

Mansi’s love for learning and experimenting is one of the reasons I enjoy working with her. She is keen on ideas for reaching your audience, and she is a pleasant collaborator in trying to find new ways to engage and connect in marketing.

Lindsay Shirk

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True end-to-end system
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Interview Guides / Interview Questions
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Digital Branded Lobby
Top 3 & Fantasy Team Builder
Offers Product Suite
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Insightful AI Interview Report
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Intelligent Video conferencing platform

Revolutionize hiring with seamless guided interviews

Intelligent Interviewing revolutionizes the hiring journey by embedding structured interviews directly into your video conferencing.

Effortlessly streamline your recruitment process with guided interview questions, automated real-time scoring and transcriptions, and comprehensive participant analytics. Enhance collaboration, make data-driven decisions, and build your best team faster than ever before.

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Interview Guides / Interview Questions

Unleash the power of efficiency, collaboration, and data-driven decision-making

Simplify hiring with ATS & interview guides. Empower your hiring team with our applicant tracking, centralized activity management, and precision-guided interviews designed to alleviate the pains of recruitment.

Whether using pre-populated questions or creating your own, empower your hiring team to bring the right talent into your organization.

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Kanban Workflow & Project Management

Elevate recruitment efficiency with visual kanban mastery

The Kanban & Project Management solution for recruitment offers a visual powerhouse, providing a clear map of candidate progression and project timelines to accelerate your recruitment cycles.

Gain real-time insights into candidate stages, enhance collaboration, and ensure timely position closures, empowering your team to navigate the hiring journey with precision and efficiency.

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Autonomous Interviews & Qualification Engine

Effortless hiring with Qualification Engine: Elevate candidate interactions and selections

The Qualification Engine offers a revolutionary Vizard form effortlessly embedded on any site. Designed questions in interactive cards and empowered video answers enables candidates to answer first-round questions, introduce themselves, and submit applications with ease.

Eliminate friction in the hiring process, enhance candidate engagement, and discover your ideal hires by replacing your initial screening process as traditional interviews with interactive card-based questions and video answers.

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CRM, ATS & Job Boards

Seamless recruitment harmony: Find, contact, and manage candidates for a unified, efficient, and branded recruitment process

Masterful recruitment control with CRM & Job Boards: Experience a game-changing solution streamlining candidate discovery, branded outreach, interview scheduling, and centralized activity tracking.

Craft precise job descriptions, create branded Career Pages, and seamlessly integrate them onto your site with embeddable code snippets. Create aliases, campaigns, and personalized email sequences and transform your recruitment process into a cohesive and efficient journey.

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Moments & Collections

Simplify feedback with recording, sharing, and organizing impactful candidate moments

Say goodbye to endless text-based feedback loops and scattered files. Create impeccable moments, tag highlight reels, and compile vital data to create polished recaps for candidates or positions.

Organize impactful moments into meaningful collections to share with decision-makers, transforming your feedback journey into a streamlined, visually rich experience.

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Reporting & Analytics Suite

Powerful insights on demand: Extract, customize, and present with ease

Transform the way you harness insights with exportable slide decks. Bid farewell to cumbersome reporting processes as you preview and customize slides in the report drawer, enabling a drag-and-drop approach to order and curate your most valuable analytics.

Experience unparalleled control and efficiency in presenting data-driven narratives to stakeholders.

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LinkedIn Chrome Extension

Unlock LinkedIn's potential: Transform candidates into rich, insightful profiles

Search and store candidates with their full range of rich data, including resumes and images. Move beyond traditional resumes and gain a holistic view of candidates, making informed recruitment decisions. Elevate your talent acquisition strategy with a powerful tool that turns LinkedIn profiles into comprehensive, actionable insights.

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Digital Branded Lobby

Elevate meetings with interactive Digital Lobby experiences

Digital Lobby introduces a new era of pre-meeting engagement transforming the traditional waiting experience into an interactive journey. Effortlessly write, upload, and edit content directly in your company lobby to curate captivating content, enjoy employee videos, and tailor the ambiance before meetings commence.

Dive into the future of interview preparation with dedicated Interview Prep Lobby, offering a space for organizing thoughts, revisiting vital information, and delivering timely, relevant data for impactful candidate meetings.

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Top 3 & Fantasy Team Builder

Compare top prospects for informed hiring choices

Top 3 & Fantasy Team Builder streamlines candidate selection. With a single click, compare top prospects based on rankings and ratings from the scorecard. Make data-driven decisions with side-by-side experience and education insights.

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Offers Product Suite

Seal deals instantly: Effortless offer creation and real-time candidate signings

Experience the game-changing feature of offer management with Customizable templates empower companies to create and save offers effortlessly, while candidates embrace the simplicity of signing in real-time. This eliminates paperwork delays and ensures a smooth transition from candidate selection to onboarding.

Transform the final stages of hiring into a frictionless, digital process, marking a new era in streamlined and efficient talent acquisition.

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Our Divisions

A Data Driven Approach to Diversity & Inclusion Gets the Right People on Your Team

Intelligent analytics that live, learn, and grow with each application, interview & decision

Objective quantifiable data is the only way to end bias and discrimination in the workplace.

See what’s really going on in the rooms where decisions are made. A clear analysis of the amount of time spent on different topics creates a strong repository for both your team and our system to learn from. Take a data driven approach to each candidate on one page with interview analytics.

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